Banking and Finance
Banking and Finance Matters
- Represented a financial institution in the issuance of secured revolving credit and loan facilities in excess of $200 million for the U.S. subsidiaries of various Israeli companies
- Advised a fund in the structuring and closing of an acquisition loan for an institutional trader of environmental credits
- Represented a borrower in the home-furnishing industry in a complex $12 million reorganization, refinancing and factoring arrangement
- Advised lending client on the structuring and closing of loans in excess of $145 million under a “Loan to Attorneys Program” for law firms in Texas, District of Columbia, Oklahoma, Georgia, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania and California, designed to assist large regional plaintiff’s firms in managing irregular cash flows
- Counseled a client in a purchase in excess of $75 million, both directly and through joint ventures with others, of sub prime mortgage paper from a subsidiary of a major bank
- Ongoing representation of a client bank in connection with its interest rate swap documentation and agreements