Private Equity and Private Funds
Private Equity Private Funds Matters
Selected examples of our expertise include representation of:
$3b hedge fund and family of funds, and founder.
- Formation/structuring and subsequent post-formation outside general counsel, compliance and transaction work.
An India-focused private equity fund with US and foreign investors based in Cayman Islands. - Formation/structuring and subsequent post-formation outside general counsel, compliance and transaction work, including structuring and handling a $100m co-investment transaction of the fund’s portfolio company, a lodging real estate company in India.
A Cayman Islands-based $900m multistrategy international fund of funds founded by a UK investor. - Formation and subsequent post-formation outside general counsel, compliance and transaction work.
A Mauritius-based long-short fund investing in India. - Tax advice related to international structure.
Various convertible arbitrage, long-short and other funds with assets under management ranging from $50-100m. - Formation/structuring and subsequent outside general counsel and compliance issues
Various fund principals. - Tax, structuring, executive compensation and estate planning advice.
- Formation/structuring and subsequent post-formation outside general counsel, compliance and transaction work.