Sarah A. Steckler to Serve as a Program Chair for NYSBA Elder Law and Special Needs Law Section Annual Meeting Program
12/08/2022Warshaw Burstein, LLP, a full-service law firm in New York City, today announced Sarah A. Steckler, a partner in the Trusts and Estates and Fertility Law groups and founder of the firm’s Elder Law Practice, will serve as a Program Chair for the New York State Bar Association’s upcoming Elder Law and Special Needs Law Section Annual Meeting on January 20, 2023.
The meeting, held in New York, will begin at 1:30 p.m. for the Section Business Meeting and Awards, and then include an opportunity to earn five MCLE credits from 2-6:30 p.m.
Program details can be found here.
Ms. Steckler’s experience with Elder Law and Special Needs planning helps families to pay for long-term care and navigate obtaining government benefits. She assists clients with Medicaid applications, asset protection planning, special needs trusts, irrevocable Medicaid trusts, pooled income trusts, veterans’ benefits, understanding long term care insurance benefits, hospital discharge planning, health care advocacy, homecare services, medical insurance and admission to skilled nursing homes.
Ms. Steckler is active in many organizations in her community and serves as Co-Chair of the Senior Law Day Collaborative in Westchester County.