Warshaw Burstein LLP | Fertility Law Group Heralds ASRM's New, Inclusive Definition of "Infertility"
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Fertility Law Group Heralds ASRM's New, Inclusive Definition of "Infertility"

The Fertility Law Group at Warshaw Burstein praised the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)'s recently revised definition of "infertility".

"We are delighted with this new and inclusive definition, as it will go a long way toward ensuring that every person who seeks to build a family will have equal access to fertility treatment and related care," FLG Co-founders, Alexis L. Cirel and Eric I. Wrubel, said.

From the ASRM's press release:

Infertility is a disease, condition, or status characterized by any of the following:

The inability to achieve a successful pregnancy based on a patient’s medical, sexual, and reproductive history, age, physical findings, diagnostic testing, or any combination of those factors. The need for medical intervention, including, but not limited to, the use of donor gametes or donor embryos in order to achieve a successful pregnancy either as an individual or with a partner. In patients having regular, unprotected intercourse and without any known etiology for either partner suggestive of impaired reproductive ability, evaluation should be initiated at 12 months when the female partner is under 35 years of age and at six months when the female partner is 35 years of age or older.
