The Warshaw Burstein Perspectives TM podcasts are designed to provide insight into today's critical business and legal issues. We welcome your feedback. Our attorneys are happy to discuss the content of their podcasts in greater detail if you contact them.
Note for listeners: These podcasts are presented as a public service by Warshaw Burstein, LLP. The content of the podcasts is general and for informational purposes only. It will not be updated and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. © 2018
Podcasts are produced by P2B FirmBuilders LLC
Note for listeners: These podcasts are presented as a public service by Warshaw Burstein, LLP. The content of the podcasts is general and for informational purposes only. It will not be updated and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. © 2018
Podcasts are produced by P2B FirmBuilders LLC
Meryl Wiener on SEC Exam Priorities 2019
03/06/2019Warshaw Burstein partner Meryl Wiener examines the newly announced SEC Examination Priorities for 2019. She outlines what SEC registered entities, from established broker-dealers to newly-formed investment advisers to hedge funds, should consider in dealing with a routine examination by the SEC. Meryl notes that due to manpower and cost constraints, the SEC Office of Compliance Inspection and Examinations (OCIE) only is able to examine a small fraction of entities that are subject to SEC rules and regulations. Every year OCIE announces a list of priorities that it will consider in choosing which entities to examine and that will determine the scope of the examinations. This year’s list includes a new priority, digital assets, which includes cryptocurrencies, coins and tokens, as the number of digital asset market participants has grown rapidly. player
Meryl Wiener on the SEC’s proposed “Best Interest Rule”
07/03/2018Warshaw Burstein partner Meryl Wiener examines the "Best Interest Rule" proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. player
Meryl Wiener on the SEC’s 2018 Exam Priorities
03/28/2018Warshaw Burstein Financial Services partner Meryl Wiener examines The SEC's 2018 Exam Priorities. player