Warshaw Burstein LLP | WB Perspectives | Podcast Series
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WB Perspectives | Podcast Series

The Warshaw Burstein Perspectives TM podcasts are designed to provide insight into today's critical business and legal issues.  We welcome your feedback. Our attorneys are happy to discuss the content of their podcasts in greater detail if you contact them. 

Note for listeners: These podcasts are presented as a public service by Warshaw Burstein, LLP. The content of the podcasts is general and for informational purposes only.  It will not be updated and should not be considered or relied upon as legal advice. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. © 2018
Podcasts are produced by P2B FirmBuilders LLC

  • Kimberly C. Lau on How to Navigate Sexual Misconduct on College Campuses
    Kimberly C. Lau, Warshaw Burstein, LLP Partner, and Chair of the Title IX/College Discipline Practice addresses the important steps students need to take when they arrive on campus and when they engage in sexual activities. Listen to this podcast if you are a parent sending your child off to college or a student about to go to college or perhaps, already in college. As a result of listening to this podcast, you will gain a clear understanding of how to navigate sexual misconduct on college campuses.
    GUEST ATTORNEY: Kimberly C. Lau
  • Kimberly C. Lau on The History & Evolution of Title IX
    Warshaw Burstein partner Kimberly C. Lau, chair of the firm’s Title IX/College Discipline practice, looks at The History and Evolution of Title IX. player
    GUEST ATTORNEY: Kimberly C. Lau