Warshaw Burstein LLP | Sarah A. Steckler Named to Pace Women’s Justice Center’s Friends of Gail Advisory Board
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Sarah A. Steckler Named to Pace Women’s Justice Center’s Friends of Gail Advisory Board

Sarah A. Steckler, Partner in the Trusts and Estates Group and Elder Law Group at Warshaw Burstein, LLP, has been named to the Friends of Gail Advisory Board by the Pace Women’s Justice Center (PWJC).

The Pace Women’s Justice Center is Westchester County’s largest civil legal services and training provider exclusively addressing domestic violence sexual assault and elder abuse. A self-funded nonprofit legal center at Pace Law School, PWJC helps individuals navigate the legal system and obtain services related to divorce, custody, support, financial exploitation, public benefits, and housing. Through outreach events and training programs they raise awareness, educate the community, and train judges, police officers, attorneys, and social service providers on best practices when working with victims of abuse.

Each year, PWJC staff and volunteers provide free legal services to nearly 3,000 victims and survivors of abuse, and conduct hundreds of outreach and training programs to educate the public, prevent abuse, and empower victims to leave abusive situations and move forward with their lives in safety.

Ms. Steckler said, “What the PWJC is doing is critically important. Perhaps now more than ever, providing a safe place to turn to for help in navigating the legal system in times of crisis can make an enormous difference in a person or family’s life. I am honored to serve on the Friends of Gail Advisory Board.”
