Warshaw Burstein LLP | Webinar: My 65+ Planning Checklist: Am I on Track?
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Webinar: My 65+ Planning Checklist: Am I on Track?

Register for this FREE webinar for Seniors & their Families

When: Wednesday, March 13th | 10 AM EST
Where: https://bit.ly/65pluswes (Dial-in by phone also available; numbers obtained on registration or by calling and leaving a message at 914.231.3227)

As we age, we face many decisions related to Medicaid/Medicare, housing, legal documents, and much more. Plus we have other responsibilities (caring for grandchildren/even older relatives or having adult children still at home). Still others are aging independently.

During this webinar, we will have an attorney and financial planner present real-life situations that illustrate critical steps to take, covering both your primary and backup plan for care and well-being. Please send us or bring your questions to the webinar, where we will address them.


  • Jean Riordan, CFP, Vice President, Vision Retirement
  • Sarah Steckler, Esq., Partner, Warshaw Burstein LLP

Contact bruce@marketingsense2.com for questions about the webinar.